Creative Pathways Retreats

We believe that when we ground ourselves, set intention, and listen to our bodies, the answers are found. We tend to think the answers to our problems/challenges can be figured out with our minds only, but when we leave out our bodies, we overwhelm overselves, and spin in our frustration and indecision. If we listen to our bodies, we gain access to our souls, and they know what we need. 

The purpose of Creative Pathways Retreats is to help individuals connect to their bodies, learn to ground themselves, and set intention through working with horses, creating art, movement, breathwork, and play.


Working with Horses

For centuries, people have been connected to horses. They are intuitive healers. They mirror us and give us insight into ourselves. Working with horses on the ground (doing groundwork) forces us to ground ourselves, be fully present, and practice mindfulness and self-awareness. As we slow down and learn to communicate with horses (noticing our slightest movements and theirs), we learn to be patient with ourselves and others when we are experiencing uncomfortable emotions. Horses help bring more consciousness to our everyday lives.

Through Creative Pathways Retreats, participants will have the opportunity to work with one of Lightfoot Horse Farm’s 8 horses. All interactions with the horses will be in a safe space with a highly trained horse and an experienced trainer. No previous horse experience is required or even recommended and the retreat activities with the horses will be non-riding. 

Creating Art

Art offers endless opportunities to quiet the “thinking mind” and connect with deeper, more intuitive parts of ourselves. From that place we can experience deep rest, renewal, personal insight, and wholeness. Our goal is to walk you through ways of doing this through visual journaling, intuitive collage, collaborative and individual painting, and stamp carving. 

Whether teaching you to paint what you feel as you look at a sunset, draw your emotions while watching a horse graze, or carve a stamp of your favorite wildflower, we rely heavily on the outdoor setting at Creative Pathways Retreats. As much as possible, art projects are done outside with our bare feet on the ground. Nature supports us as we come to know new parts of ourselves. 

All classes can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of artistic experience. Art techniques and principles are taught with a focus on the intuitive process, relaxation, and personal development. 


Replenish and regenerate with a variety of soothing practices such as yoga, meditation, and breathe work. The intention is to help us move more mindfully, breathe more deeply, and nourish ourselves through a restorative, moving meditation. At Creative Pathways Retreats, a gentle and fun approach to movement is encouraged, while listening to sweet beats for a full body and mind experience.

Our movement and breathwork experiences will be outside, in the beautiful natural surroundings of our property. All physical abilities and body types are welcomed and celebrated.


“Reiki” is a Japanese word essentially meaning “universal life force.” It is the practice of sending this energy into one’s own body or that of another to aide healing. During a Reiki healing, the client will rest comfortably, usually lying down, and the practitioner will lay their hands gently on the client’s body or hold them just above. The Reiki energy will flow from the practitioner’s hands into the client’s body to whatever areas need assistance. The client may feel nothing or may experience various sensations throughout their body. Emotional releases, as well as spiritual experiences, are possible. Whether the client can feel it or not, the Reiki will do its job and the client will receive the benefits. 

We are excited to be offering individual Reiki healing sessions through Creative Pathways Retreats.


While Tarot is probably most widely known as a fortune telling parlor trick, the future is an ever- changing kaleidoscope of possibilities and predicting it is arguably impossible. However, Tarot readings can present to us potential futures based on our current energetic trajectory. By considering our response to these “predictions,” we can evaluate whether the future we are creating is the one we want or if we might want to adjust our actions to create a different outcome. 

Likewise, the cards won’t necessarily tell us anything we don’t already know about ourselves or a situation, but can read our subtle energies and reflect them back to us. This affords us an opportunity to tap into our subconscious and uncover our truths. In this way, Tarot can strengthen our intuition and be a wonderful tool for self-discovery and development.